Home Insights Transforming oncology: Enhancing cancer treatment with patient-centric and personalized approaches

Transforming oncology: Enhancing cancer treatment with patient-centric and personalized approaches

4 mins read

Written by: Anna Capers, Senior Client Partner, Inizio Evoke Europe

It’s an exciting time in oncology. New therapies are enabling a more personalized approach to treatment, allowing for more precise targeting and potentially reducing side effects. As new options become available, it’s even more important to take a patient-centric approach to treatment decisions. Fundamentally, listening to patients and understanding their priorities can lead to better care plans that both extend and enhance patients’ lives.

Better treatments mean patients can live with cancer for much longer. So, it’s important to establish strong HCP/patient dialogues so changes in patient priorities can be discussed and accommodated for as they progress through their disease journey. While the best efficacy outcomes are often the priority for first line treatments as disease progresses and patients become frailer, does that always continue to be the best treatment option?

Truly understanding the patient’s perspective, including their daily life and commitments, their goals, and their concerns by addressing underlying questions can lead to better outcomes.

Both patient and HCP education play an essential role in supporting this conversation. It’s important to include the authentic patient voice in developing programs; whether it’s using AI to mine social media for insights or conversations with real patients and patient groups.

Encouraging discussions that encompass a broader understanding of the patients’ lifestyle and priorities can be rewarding from both a HCP and patient perspective, as it can foster better understanding and communication.

How can we support this ambition? 

1. Empathy

  • Why it matters: Understanding patient priorities goes beyond medical outcomes. Actively listening to their concerns, goals, and day-to-day needs can help HCPs tailor treatment plans that align with the patient’s lifestyle, potentially leading to better adherence and overall outcomes.
  • How to implement: Encourage patients to openly discuss their personal goals, concerns, and lifestyle factors. This can involve simple but meaningful questions during consultations, ensuring that patients feel heard and understood.

2. Simplify complex medical information

  • Why it matters: The increasing complexity of treatment options can overwhelm patients. Translating intricate scientific details into patient-friendly language helps patients make informed decisions about their care.
  • How to implement: Use analogies, visual aids, or simplified explanations to help patients grasp their treatment options. Pharma companies can support this by creating materials that break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand formats.

3. Incorporate the patient’s voice in care planning

  • Why it matters: Patients’ perspectives are crucial in developing care plans that meet their needs. By including the patient’s voice in discussions, HCPs can ensure that treatment strategies align with what matters most to the patient, both medically and personally.
  • How to implement: Involve patients in the decision-making process by asking them to share their priorities and preferences. Consider using patient-reported outcome measures or tools that help patients articulate their values and goals.

4. Foster continuous communication

  • Why it matters: Cancer treatment is often a long journey with changing circumstances. Continuous, open communication allows HCPs to adjust care plans as patients’ needs and priorities evolve over time.
  • How to implement: Schedule regular check-ins or follow-up appointments focused on discussing how the patient is coping with treatment, and any changes in their personal or health-related priorities.

5. Leverage patient and HCP education

  • Why it matters: Educating both patients and HCPs is essential for fostering meaningful conversations. Patients who are well-informed about their disease and treatment options can engage more effectively in discussions, while HCPs who understand patient perspectives can better address concerns.
  • How to implement: Develop educational programs that include authentic patient voices. This could involve using AI to gather insights from patient communities or creating platforms for direct patient-HCP dialogues. Pharma companies can play a role by providing resources that bridge knowledge gaps and support these educational efforts.

At Inizio, we combine innovative strategy with medical and scientific expertise, and real-world data with human empathy to develop life-saving oncology solutions. If you’re attending the ESMO Congress 2024, book a meeting with us at booth 431e here. Let’s discuss how we can partner to improve cancer patient outcomes and get the right treatments to the right patients, faster.

You can also discover more about our oncology expertise here.