MicroMass unveils human dynamics

2 mins read
12 July 2021

MicroMass, part of Ashfield Health, has unveiled Human Dynamics,  a game-changing approach to help pharmaceutical brands connect with patients and create a better experience.

Human Dynamics represents an evolution of what it means to connect a brand to its core audience: the patients themselves. It is a multidisciplinary approach grounded in MicroMass’ deep understanding of behavioural science and includes sharp strategic insights, cutting-edge creative, advanced data capture and analysis, ingrained innovation, and a passion to drive action.

“At MicroMass, we see people, not just patients,” said Rosanne Johnson, President of MicroMass. “We don’t see just their disease or their demographics, but the human inside. Our aim is to understand them, inspire them, change behavior, and reach them where we can make the most impact.”

The launch of Human Dynamics is coming at just the right time for both MicroMass and the industry. “People are demanding more,” said Johnson. “This includes more personalized content, better experiences, and the latest technology. Human Dynamics helps us continue to connect patients with pharma brands in ways that make it matter.”

Human Dynamics is more than a powerful tool. It is a way of thinking which drives creative that connects with people and delivers more impactful solutions.

“Patients crave to be heard, understood, and valued,” said Rob Peters, EVP, Strategy at MicroMass. “What they want is often hidden behind statistics, labels, or numbers. Human Dynamics drives our understanding of what people need and how those needs evolve. It allows us to create experiences—not just content or tactics—that are meaningful and impactful.”

Human Dynamics is being used with clients to create experiences that connect with people and make a difference. Human Dynamics strengthens the MicroMass approach to be the agency partner of choice, aligning the evolving needs of the patient with the brand.

MicroMass has been delivering healthcare provider and patient experiences using a proprietary behaviour-change approach for almost 30 years. “At MicroMass, our business is better health. We create inspiring, life-changing solutions to achieve new realities for our clients. We make it matter.”