Environmental sustainability.

We’re committed to playing our part.


What Environmental Sustainability means to us.

Our patients, who are the ultimate recipients of the services we provide to our clients, can only live their healthiest lives on a healthy planet. That’s why we’re fully committed to reducing our operational emissions, working with our supply chain to reduce theirs, and ultimately becoming a Net Zero business by 2040.

From our Head of ESG, Dervala Leahy.

“As providers of healthcare services to many companies in the pharmaceutical industry, we understand the role we can play, together with our clients, to achieve Net Zero.”

Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy in brief.

We have committed to reaching Net Zero by 2040, covering Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions. In line with the SBTi’s Net Zero Standard, we understand that to achieve this target, we need to reduce our emissions by 90%, followed by the neutralization of residual emissions.

  • Scope 1 and 2 emissions

    To decarbonize our operations to Net Zero by 2040, we have set a near-term science-based target (by 2031) to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46.2%. To do this, we will focus our emission reduction initiatives on how we use our offices and the transition of our vehicle fleet within Inizio Engage.

    Learn more
  • Scope 3 emissions

    Like many organisations, the majority of Inizio's carbon emissions fall within our value chain. In addition to scope 1 and 2, we have set a near-term science-based target for scope 3, to reduce emissions from purchased goods and services, fuel- and energy-related activities and business travel by 27.5%.

    Learn more

Our Climate Transition Plan.

Discover our comprehensive approach to achieving a 1.5-degree pathway transition to Net Zero, our governance structures, climate risk management strategy, decarbonization initiatives, and the progress and challenges in meeting our climate goals.

Measuring our progress.

We measure our progress through our science-based targets (SBTs). SBTs lead companies on a clear path towards decarbonization. We have successfully obtained SBTi verification of our absolute reduction target for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 46.5% by 2031, against a 2021 baseline. To read more about our SBTs, you can access our 2023 Sustainability Report here

Our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Access our 2023 Sustainability Report: ‘Building a sustainable future’and explore the significant progress we’ve made on our sustainability journey so far.