43 Inizio Sustainability Report 2023 TCFD report continued likelihood of risks and opportunities Metrics & Targets and 3 emissions, with 2021 being reduction initiatives within their unfolding or the magnitude of their Metrics used to assess climate- Table 2: Scope 1 and 2 total emissions the base year. Upon assessing the own businesses. We understand impact. However, we recognize the related risks and opportunities Scope Year Absolute emissions (tCOe) applicability of the various Scope 3 the significance of business-wide projected future physical and 2 collaboration to achieve these targets We have assigned metrics to categories to our business, we have transition risks from climate change track, measure, and manage the Scope 1 2021 8,008 Total: 10,317 focused our data collection and and we therefore seek to empower have the potential to impact us impacts of climate-related risks Scope 2 (location-based) 2,309 reporting on categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, our people through the creation of materially, as well as the growing and opportunities. These include and 7. All remaining Scope 3 categories the Sustainability Champions Network potential to action on identified the measurements of greenhouse Scope 1 2022 11,900 Total: 14,215 are either not applicable to our and Sustainability Forums to identify, climate-related opportunities. gas (GHG) emissions and energy Scope 2 (location-based) 2,315 business or emissions are negligible. develop, andimplement environmental consumption; however, they do initiatives Group-wide. We have an established Enterprise Scope 1 2023 5,919 Total: 7,864 Targets used to manage climate- not include carbon pricing as we Risk Management process where do not consider it to be relevant to Scope 2 (location-based) 1,945 related risks and opportunities, The following are examples of sustainability risks, including climate- our business currently. A detailed and performanceagainst targets such efforts: related risks, can be identified and description of these metrics relating to We have set near-term science-based reported, monitored, and mitigated energy and GHG emissions, is provided targets, which have been validated by •An action plan has been devised at divisional and Group level. on pages 14-15. Table 3: Scope 3 total emissions, broken down by category the SBTi in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. to reduce operational emissions. Details are as follows: This includes using energy-efficient We understand that consideration of Methodologies used to calculate Absolute emissions technologies and influencing interdependencies between climate- climate-related metrics Scope Category (metric tons COe)2 Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions employee behaviors to reduce • related risks and opportunities is Greenhouse gas emissions Baseline year by 46.2% by 2031. energy consumption in our offices. required throughout our business. We calculate our GHG emissions (2021) 2022 2023 By assessing climate-related risks • Reduce Scope 3 emissions •We have also set a target to footprint in alignment with the 1. Purchased goods by 27.5% by 2031. purchase 80% of our electricity and opportunities holistically through Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Corporate and services 15,678 24,273 17,407 from renewable resources by our processes related to governance, Accounting and Reporting Standard. 3. Fuel and energy- We have also committed to reach 2025 and 100% renewable strategic and financial planning, risk Scope 2 emissions are calculated related activities not Net Zero carbon emissions in our energy by 2030. management, and the climate-related using both a location-based and included in Scopes 1 and 2) 495 3,244 1,155 operations and value chain by 2040, targets and metrics we set, we can market-based approach, with an and, in due course, we will seek to •By 2025, Inizio Engage is aiming continue to create value over time annual process in place for third- 4. Upstream align this commitment with the to transition at least 50% of all and deliver our services to clients. party limited assurance of Scope 1, 2 Scope 3 transportation internal combustion vehicles to and distribution 540 SBTi’s Net Zero Corporate Standard. and 3 emissions aligning with the 1.5 2.9 hybrid or electric models. Equally, we recognize that there is ISO 14064-3 standard. 5. Waste generated To achieve our 1.5 °C-aligned science- more we can do to further improve in operations 451 7,001 172 based targets, we are focusing our We’re also in the process of initiating and formalize the integration of Scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse efforts on reducing operational a supply chain sustainability program climate-related risks and opportunities, gas emissions 6. Business travel 442 7,001 7,094 emissions, as wel as engagingl to engage our key suppliers on the and we will continue to refine our We have historically tracked and 7. Employee commuting 0 1,897 3,746 our supply chain to encourage importance of introducing emission processes to better determine our calculated our global Scope 1, 2 the implementation of emissions reduction initiatives. business resilience.