27 Inizio Sustainability Report 2023 Employee wellbeing Human rights We are committed to helping our people Inizio strives to act in accordancewith internationally recognizedOur Human Rights Policy sets outstance for humanour zero tolerance succeed, both personally and professionally. human rights standards, includingthe European Convention onrights and modern slavery violations,and it sits alongside our Code of Prioritizing wellbeing benefits The list below outlines the various Human Rights, the International Bill Ethics and Health and Safety Policy. our people and our business. wellbeing offerings which are in of Human Rights, the International Our Modern Slavery statement It contributes to a positive culture place across different areas of Labor Organization’s Declaration details our actions to uphold this and helps our employees to deliver our business: on Fundamental Principles and Policy. In 2023, we identified no WellSpace is a dedicated Inizio Rights at Work, the United Nations human rights violations in our their best work and the quality of website where employees can Guiding Principles on Business and operations or supply chain. service we’re known for. We provide •Employee Assistance Programs find many resources to support Human Rights, and the International a range of wellbeing initiatives and Access to counseling sessions their physical, mental, and Covenant on Economic, Social and Although we currently have • resources, to cater to our employees’ emotional wellbeing. Cultural Rights. no unions in place across our diverse needs and ensure no one •Trained mental health first aiders workforce, we respect our feels alone in their journey to self- Subsidized subscriptions to We work to uphold the human employees’ rights to form, • care and wellbeing. In doing so, meditation and wellbeing apps rights of our workforce, supply join, or not join a labor union, we create an environment that chain, clients, and communities, or other organization of their allows each person to thrive •Wellbeing health lunch and learns, Raising awareness and guard against complicity choice, and to bargain collectively in their own way. featuring external speakers Community Action Days allow of mental health in human rights violations. in support of their mutual interests, •Mental health and wellness colleagues to get involved in charity On World Mental Health Day, We focus our efforts on the without fear of punitive actions We provide Group-wide speaker series featuring and community projects. Volunteering areas most relevant to our such as intimidation, harassment, initiatives and activities, and for a good cause isn’t just positive for colleagues from across Inizio encourage our business units actionable strategies engaged in a panel discussion business, specifically: or termination of employment. those receiving help – it can also boost on this important topic. Based to support their employees •Time-to-talk sessions; drop-in style the wellbeing of those providing it. Diversity and equal opportunity We encourage anyone who works with additional resources. on this powerful session and the • •Line management training feedback we received from it, Health, safety and security for or with Inizio to raise ethical and • legal concerns, including potential in mental health awareness we shared wellbeing resources with colleagues, including a •Employment conditions and human rights issues. Our confidential •A range of work-life balance working practices. reporting process allows them to do Award: UK Mind measures, including dynamic reminder of the importance of self-care and guidance for so confidentially, and anonymously Workplace and hybrid working where the law allows. Wellbeing Our learning and development leaders on how mental health Gold Award •Learning at Work week, focused platform, Vita, offers over 700 can influence their teams. on self and emotional wellbeing wellbeing courses and activities.