36 Inizio Sustainability Report 2023 Business ethics continued Ask Yourself, Speak Up, The Audit Committee monitors the Risk assessments “Sound, well-understood risk and control processes and raising awareness number of Speak Up reports and is Changes to our businesses, operations, are critical to Inizio’s sustainability and fundamental We trust our people to consider provided with high-level summaries. or our commercial environment unusual circumstances first, either by require us to undertake periodic to our internal and external governance” themselves or with their colleagues. Where a report could have a risk assessments. We have a risk Our Code providesthem with an significant impact on the business identification and mitigation process Ed Gallagher, “Ask Yourself” methodology to help. or its reputation, it would be which facilitates ongoing assessment. Group Head of Risk & Compliance escalated to the Executive Council Moreover, our people have a and/or the Board. During 2023, no Some of the risks we identify at a responsibility to Speak Up if they critical concerns arising from the local level are ultimately recorded in suspect wrongdoing or know Speak Up reporting procedure our Group Risk Register, particularly that someone has broken a legal, were reported to the Board. those which could affect our ability regulatory, or other Code obligation, or to achieve our strategic objectives. have a critical concern regarding the Our compliance training and Our Board determines which risks business’s conduct in its operations orcommunications program is are most relevant to us and monitors in its business relationships, includingthe primary means by which how effectively we mitigate them. but not limited to bribery, corruption,we remind employees of our or anti-competitive practices. Code, Commitments, policies, We identified sustainability risk as and procedures. In 2023, there a Group principal risk in 2022 and When our people Speak Up, we were no significant instances it remains so in 2023. Further details Listen Up: The confidential reporting of non-compliance with laws can be found in our 2023 Annual Report. process allows our people to make a and regulations. confidential report 24/7 via an online Risk assessments also help platform or by telephone. A dedicated 24/7 us identify where our internal and independent team reviews such financial and non-financial audit reports, treats each one seriously, resources should focus their respects and protects the reporter’s activities. Whether we’re on our confidentiality, and investigates confidential reporting continuous improvement journey thoroughly and professionally. We process via an online or meeting the audit demands prohibit any form of retaliation that platform or by telephone. of clients and stakeholders, we results in disciplinary measures up always strive to be audit ready. to and including dismissal.