26 Inizio Sustainability Report 2023 Learning and talent development Skills developmentIn addition to centrally supplied programs and infrastructure, each of our business units together with Corporate Functions invests in developing employees’ functional and technical skills. Examples include the Valore program launched in Inizio Medical in 2023, which is a Inizio promotes a culture that We encourage our people to use During 2023, we continuedto build the learning and development (L&D) function for the business and worked to commercial campaign designed to supports a positive and inclusive a variety of formal and informal establish a learning infrastructure and culture that supports our employees in their professional and personal growth.ensure the busines unit responss d working environment, in which we learning interventions to develop effectively to business opportunities. see our people’s performance and their knowledge, skills, and Our key initiatives were: To date, over 389 employees have development as vitally important capabilities. To help them, we have 1Launching our new Learning Management participated in this program, which for our long-term success. adopted the 70:20:10 development System Vita, our company-wide learning has been launched in two phases. framework created by the Center for management system (LMS) Vision Phase 1 is to establish a value-based Talent management and succession Creative Leadership, which enables 2Launching our digital content library, with culture and phase 2 is to build planning play a key role in assessing,our people to learnat and during To create an inclusive learning commercial capability. work, through more than just formal over 24,000 learning offerings vironment and to develop ou developing, and retaining our people. en r learning. The graphic below outlines 3Launching our first Inizio-wide leadership people to fulfill their potential Each business unit has developed HR teams across Inizio are responsiblethis framework: program (leading@Inizio) its own programsto help its for talent management and succession 4Embedding the Inizio Commitments into employees address skill gaps or planning with our business leaders leadership objectives and performance build new capabilities to address being accountable for the results of management Tactics/Strategy market opportunities. these processes. 5Enabling the completion of the 2023 compliance read and attest in Vita Development Framework 6Piloting our new compliance solution 69,301 7Rolling out Sarbanes–Oxley training on Integrate & Build the Amplify Workforce of 10% governance and control Elevate HR the Culture Learning Hours recorded in Vita 70% Establishing a cross-business L&D community the Future 8 of employee 9Creating our Inizio lifelong learning guideline 97% development comes of employee establishing the approach that Inizio and its from formal learning development business units will take to develop their employees and development occurs within the Completion rate of available through context of the job. Priority areas for 2024: mandatory policy learning Vita (Inizio’s new aCreate further engagement on our Vita platform $7.8m Learning bAlign leadership development across the business Learning technology Management Build common learning System). Educational cOffer common and core learning programs infrastructure – LMS/LXP assistance and tuition for all employees Global training spend in 2023 reimbursement also 20% dFurther embed our Commitments for learning content $763 provide our people all employees additional options to Establish a new operating model for L&D e develop themselves.of employee development comes Investment in learning per employee from coaching and feedback. fSimplify the L&D reporting process further, using PowerBI