ISMPP EU 2023 Report

2 mins read

In today’s challenging post-COVID medical communications industry, there has never been a greater need for thinking creatively. Recognizing this, the theme of the 2023 European Meeting of the International Society for Medical Publications Professionals (ISMPP) was ‘Fueling Creativity’.

The two-day conference, held in London, UK, was the first in-person EU event held by ISMPP for three years. It welcomed a record 360 delegates, and attracted the highest numbers of abstracts and research proposals ever submitted. Discussions were encouraged on science and creativity in medical communications, exploring new ways of thinking, and how to arrive at unexpected solutions. A series of lectures guided attendees through the subject, enhanced by live polls, and in-depth discussions at focused roundtables. Hot topics throughout the conference included Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), patient engagement, enhanced content, Good Publication Practice (GPP) 2022, and copyright licencing. The timetable included dedicated time to view the poster gallery and network with other delegates, and to enable attendees to consider how medical communication professionals can harness creativity for the ultimate benefit of patients.

Sessions covered digital knowledge, successful patient partnerships, trends and challenges in evidence generation, and use of creative approaches to address literacy.  The meeting closed with an active panel discussion on the practical implementation of GPP 2022, questioning how the updates to GPP may have affected daily activities, and sharing case studies of situations resolved using the updated GPP guidance.

Download Inizio Medical’s ISMPP EU 2023 Report below.