Home Insights A royal handshake for allegro. at the Princess Royal Training Awards ceremony

A royal handshake for allegro. at the Princess Royal Training Awards ceremony

3 mins read
18 May 2022

You might have heard that last year allegro. received the prestigious Princess Royal Training Award, offered to employers in the UK who can prove that their outstanding training and skills development programmes have resulted in exceptional benefits for their business. The award is external recognition for the hard work that the team and people across Ashfield MedComms have put into training new talent, helping entry-level scientific writers to develop their careers at an expedited pace versus the industry standard through the allegro.WRITE programme.

After being postponed several times last year, the award ceremony finally took place last week. Vice President Neil Marmont, Programme Director Nicky Griffin and Programme Co-ordinator Katie Swaggerty travelled down to London, donned their finery and prepared themselves for a day to remember!

The ceremony took place in Mansion House, a grand venue befitting such a big occasion. The award was presented by none other than HRH Princess Anne herself, and the team were thrilled to receive the award (and a handshake!), and to meet other leaders in training and development from a broad spectrum of industries.

Neil, can you tell us how it felt to receive the award from HRH Princess Anne as recognition for the hard work that you and the team have put into developing allegro.?


“It was worth the wait! After being scuppered by COVID on a number of occasions, it was fantastic for the team to enjoy an afternoon in the company of HRH Princess Anne at Mansion House in London, meeting so many likeminded people who believe passionately about the positive impact training and development programmes can have on people and organisations. allegro. has now been in existence for 5 years, so receiving this distinguished award was the culmination of a lot of hard work, right from proof of concept, through implementation and quality in execution over a sustained period of time. It’s recognition of Ashfield MedComms’ forward thinking and commitment to providing an environment that enables continuous learning, supports open communication and harnesses in-house expertise to support people to do their job to the best of their ability.”


Nicky, what does winning the Princess Royal Training Award mean for allegro. moving forwards?


“This award celebrates the excellence of the allegro.WRITE training programme and our commitment to training and development of new writers as they build their career. This recognition is testament to the hard work and dedication from the allegro. team, writers and wider Ashfield MedComms business over the past five years. Moving forwards, we will continue to withhold our high standards, delivering first-class training and mentoring to all those joining the business through allegro., whilst also continuing to develop the programme, ensuring that new writers can develop their careers at an expedited pace.”